Les pianistes is a group of ardent Hong Kong pianists who have been working with one another for years. The gathering and consolidation of the group are based on one common ideal: to break the invisible barrier of the so-called canon of the piano literature by sharing music which is rarely performed, seldom heard, not frequently recorded, newly written, miserably overlooked and neglected in oblivion, etc., in scrupulously and creatively organized live concerts.
Though only founded in 2012, members of Les pianistes have started this unique musical practice since long ago and critical acclaims have been yielded on these pianists for bringing not less than this illuminous list of composers, namely Godowsky, Blancafort, Bortkiewicz, Medtner, Mompou, Ropartz, Alexandrov, Ponce, Gnattali, Mignone, Guastavino, Earl Wild, de Severac, Vladigerov, Jongen, etc. to light in the relatively conservative musical environment in Hong Kong. We also promote the music of such living composers (with some of whom we even have personal contacts) as Alexander Rosenblatt, Vyacheslav Gryaznov, Kyoko Yamamoto, Nikolai Kapustin, Marcela Fiorillo, Federico Ruiz, to name but a few, extensively.
With the launch of this blog, we are happy to present some of our best live recordings or home-made recordings either from our concerts or from various private occasions. We would also like to introduce interesting and highly recommendable recordings, music, scores, in other words, any fascinating stuff about music, from the unique perspective of Les pianistes, here.
The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once declared that "Without music, life would be an error". To live a less erroneous life, come join us for some better music.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Heifetz’s magic – on the piano?

(Live performance in Hong Kong - the original vocal version)

有沒有聽過Heifetz彈鋼琴呢還要是彈自己既作品而且更是一首流行曲? Jim Hoyl Heifetz的假名當時一些古典音樂家當涉獵流行曲的時候一般都會以pseudonym 示人據傳Heifetz 曾寫下不少於50首的流行曲調子而只有這一首 When You Make Love To Me 較為人所熟識.  此樂譜當然絕版多時筆者有幸曾live演出此曲的確是一個愜意的體驗.  說回Heifetz的演奏我們的小提琴之王一向是很能彈的有些錄像裡便曾經見過其在家裡演奏巴赫的片段在這短短一分半鐘, Heifetz秉承了其演奏小提琴時音色多變的特色但就沒有如其慣常的冷峻倒反是帶著更多溫暖的音色畢竟這可是一首情歌呢. 淡淡的浪漫的曲調細訴著戀人若即若離的無奈.

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