Les pianistes is a group of ardent Hong Kong pianists who have been working with one another for years. The gathering and consolidation of the group are based on one common ideal: to break the invisible barrier of the so-called canon of the piano literature by sharing music which is rarely performed, seldom heard, not frequently recorded, newly written, miserably overlooked and neglected in oblivion, etc., in scrupulously and creatively organized live concerts.
Though only founded in 2012, members of Les pianistes have started this unique musical practice since long ago and critical acclaims have been yielded on these pianists for bringing not less than this illuminous list of composers, namely Godowsky, Blancafort, Bortkiewicz, Medtner, Mompou, Ropartz, Alexandrov, Ponce, Gnattali, Mignone, Guastavino, Earl Wild, de Severac, Vladigerov, Jongen, etc. to light in the relatively conservative musical environment in Hong Kong. We also promote the music of such living composers (with some of whom we even have personal contacts) as Alexander Rosenblatt, Vyacheslav Gryaznov, Kyoko Yamamoto, Nikolai Kapustin, Marcela Fiorillo, Federico Ruiz, to name but a few, extensively.
With the launch of this blog, we are happy to present some of our best live recordings or home-made recordings either from our concerts or from various private occasions. We would also like to introduce interesting and highly recommendable recordings, music, scores, in other words, any fascinating stuff about music, from the unique perspective of Les pianistes, here.
The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once declared that "Without music, life would be an error". To live a less erroneous life, come join us for some better music.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

推介Cyprien Katsaris 的CD PIANO RARITIES Vol. 3

鋼琴大師Cyprien Katsaris 當年以驚人技藝在超技大師Georges Cziffra面前演譯後者所改編的絕難彈奏的Flight of the Bumble Bee, 現今在Youtube回看依然令人瞠目結舌. Katsaris 此後一直大量涉獵鋼琴改編曲這個範疇 (當然其錄音曲目亦不乏Mozart Concertos, Schubert Sonata 等經典), 其中最為人津津樂道的自是其Beethoven-Liszt Symphonies 全集.  這陣子大師剛推出了其全新CD Piano Rarities Vol. 3, Vol. 1後再一次以Transcriptions作主題 (Vol. 2是冷門的法國音樂), 其中除一首Earl Wild Tchaikovsky At the Ball全部是世界首錄音而專輯的亮點 (當然只是對筆者來說是俄羅斯鋼琴學派其中一個Heinrich Neuhaus 的一個晚年弟子Vladimir Leyetchkiss 所改編的Rachmaninoff Suite for 2 pianos no. 2 Op. 17 的鋼琴獨奏版及浪漫得讓人低徊不已的第二交響曲慢版樂章的獨奏版 (第二交響曲全首皆為Georg Kirkor所改編, Katsaris這次只奏著名的慢版). 不計演譯只聽著那些熟悉但從不屬於一台鋼琴的可以演奏的曲子便已讓人抗拒不了要多播幾遍.  筆者聽後也禁不住要翻出收藏已久的樂譜 過其手癮”, Katsaris 所收集的樂譜委實罕見筆者也只能輕嘆 吾生也有涯”.  上文提及的Rachmaninoff-Leyetchkiss, 以筆者所及也從未見過第一樂章 (Introduction) 和第四樂章 (Tarantella) 的譜喜歡此曲的人真的不能錯過.  另筆者亦挑選了現居美國的意大利鋼琴家Sandro Russo Horowitz的鋼琴所演奏的Rachmaninoff-Leyetchkiss Waltz (from 2nd Suite) Youtube video, Katsaris CD未及入手的朋友先作淺嚐.

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